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Dr. Ahmad Izadi (Alexander von Humboldt Senior Fellow): "The Pragmatics of Face and Politeness"

21. Dezember 2021
via Zoom

In this presentation, I review the recent theories of face and politeness from the pragmatics perspective with special reference to data from Persian language and culture. The conjoined twins of face and politeness have undergone myriad of fluctuations since their introduction into Linguistic Pragmatics research by the seminal work of Brown and Levinson (1978 [1987]). Face and (im)politeness are currently conceptualized as distinct from one another (cf. Arundale, 2010 for the most recent conceptualization of face; Haugh, 2013, for (im)politeness) after passing arguably the same trajectory. The shift from speaker intention to hearer evaluation, from imposing analysts’ interpretings to what participants achieve, and from utterance level analysis to discourse level analysis with particular attention to relationships, along with the distinction between first and second order understanding (i. e. lay understanding vis-à-vis theorist/analyst understanding) are among the most important turning points in the history of both face and (im)politeness research (Eelen, 2001). Face has recently been conceptualized as relational and interactional (Arundale, 2009, 2010, 2020) and politeness has shifted focus from concern for face and strategies to keep face (Brown and Levinson, 1987) to subjective evaluations which are discursively constructed (Locher and Watts, 2005; Mills, 2003; Spencer-Oatey, 2005; Haugh, 2007) and have their roots in the moral order of the society (Haugh, 2013).

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Carolin Dix

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